The United World Mixed Martial Arts Federation  (UWMMAF) is an authoritative sanctioning body and commission for various combat sports, including professional boxing, kickboxing, mixed martial arts (MMA), grappling, and K1. It plays a crucial role in promoting, regulating, and organizing these sports on an international level.



The United World Mixed Martial Arts Federation (UWMMAF) has a rich history dating back to its establishment in 1960. Originally known as the World Organization of Mixed Martial Arts (WOMA), the organization was created to foster the growth and promotion of martial arts worldwide.

WOMA played a pivotal role in the early development of mixed martial arts, helping to unify different styles and disciplines under a single organizational framework. It provided a platform for martial artists from diverse backgrounds to compete, share techniques, and learn from one another. This cross-pollination of styles was instrumental in the evolution of modern mixed martial arts, where techniques from judo, karate, boxing, wrestling, and other disciplines are seamlessly integrated.

Throughout its history, WOMA has been dedicated to organizing international martial arts events, promoting fair competition, and establishing standardized rules and regulations. These efforts laid the groundwork for the safe and structured competitions that we see today.

As the popularity of mixed martial arts grew, WOMA expanded its scope to include other combat sports, eventually rebranding as the United World Mixed Martial Arts Federation (UWMMAF). This transition marked a new era of inclusivity and broader reach, encompassing professional boxing, kickboxing, MMA, grappling, and K1. The UWMMAF continues to build on WOMA’s legacy by promoting and regulating combat sports on a global scale.



The UWMMAF is governed by a leadership team composed of experienced martial arts masters from various styles and countries. This diverse group brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the organization, ensuring that all aspects of combat sports are represented and promoted effectively. Their collective goal is to advance combat sports and educate those involved, from athletes to trainers to fans.


Vision and Mission

UWMMAF is focused on legalizing Combat Sports Events around the world.

Vision: The UWMMAF is dedicated to legalizing combat sports events worldwide. This vision is driven by the belief that proper regulation and oversight can enhance the safety, integrity, and growth of combat sports.

Mission: The mission of the UWMMAF is to provide a structured and standardized framework for combat sports events. This involves:

  1. Sanctioning: Approving and overseeing events to ensure they meet established standards.
  2. Developing Common Rules: Creating and enforcing a unified set of rules across all sanctioned events.
  3. Safety Regulations: Implementing stringent safety protocols to protect participants.
  4. Refereeing and Judging: Ensuring fair and consistent officiating through the training and certification of referees and judges.
  5. Minimizing Risks: Identifying and mitigating potential risks associated with combat sports.
  6. Increasing Opportunities: Promoting the growth of combat sports by creating more opportunities for athletes, coaches, and other stakeholders.

Legalization of Combat Sports Events

Legalizing a combat sports event involves more than just granting permission to hold the event. It requires the involvement of a sanctioning body like the UWMMAF to:

  • Establish and Enforce Rules: Develop a comprehensive set of rules and guidelines that all participants must follow.
  • Ensure Safety: Implement safety measures such as mandatory medical examinations, weight classes, and protective gear.
  • Standardize Officiating: Train and certify referees and judges to ensure consistency and fairness in the competition.
  • Promote Ethical Practices: Uphold ethical standards to prevent issues such as doping and match-fixing.
  • Support Athletes: Provide resources and support for athletes, including training programs, health care, and career development opportunities.

By fulfilling these roles, the UWMMAF helps to legitimize and elevate the status of combat sports, making them safer and more accessible for participants and more enjoyable for fans.